Yesterday was our 7th wedding anniversary. It seems strange to mark milestones like birthdays and anniversaries in the hospital, but we do what we can. One thing I can do, is try to catch you up on the news with Emily. Emily hates it when weather forecasters say that the weather is going to be a mixed bag, but that just about sums our situation up. Sometimes, news isn't good news or bad news however ... it's just news.
Speaking of standing, Emily was able to stand a bit the other day with the help of a special machine that held her up. She said it wasn't as bad as she thought it would be, but the ground is much farther away than she remembers.
Emily has been making great progress over the last few weeks. Her dexterity and strength (especially upper body) continue to improve. Not only can she brush her own teeth and comb her own hair again, but she can sit by herself on the edge of the exercise benches in the gym for an extended period of time. She called me just this morning to tell me that she just realized she has the capacity to flex her left calf. Her restoration has been fairly bilateral, and so I expect the right calf to get on board in the next day or so. She's almost in a regular wheelchair again (she tried one out for a while today) and she said it's nice to have a little more freedom.
While she was on the phone she also mentioned that the Doctors are considering delaying her discharge to the 7th of July, not because she is doing poorly, but because she is making such strong progress. Yes I know this seems counter-intuitive, but it appears that the doctors feel like that extra week could be very beneficial to her. Perhaps they are thinking that instead of discharging her early in a wheelchair they would like to shoot for something a bit more ambitious?
She was a little bummed about the delay, but also happy that the doctors at UNC are really responsive to her individual capacities and needs. I must say, it's nice to have real doctors again. The Doctors at Duke were top notch, but while the respiratory therapists and nurses at the previous hospital (Select Specialty) were great, the doctors left something to be desired. (Apparently all you had to do to be a doctor at Select was wear a white coat and have internet access for WebMD). We trust that her current therapists and doctors have a real vision of wholeness in view for Emily.
Anyway, that's what's going on these days. Yesterday she told me her occupational therapist had her trying to type on a computer. I told her that as soon as she gets that mastered she can take over. Emily's the real writer in the family.
Grace and peace