Thursday, July 2, 2009

Mixed blessings

First off, a big thank you to all those who made it out last weekend to transform our back porch into a wheelchair ramp. It was amazing how many people turned out, and how quickly everything came together. I'm happy to say that Emily now has a way into the house, and everything is ready for her to come home.

Her discharge date, however, has been rescheduled from July 7th to July 14th, mainly because she is responding so well to inpatient therapy that the doctors and therapists want to capitalize on her momentum and help her make as much progress as she can.

You might thing that this delay would be upsetting to Emily, but she's actually happy about it in some ways. She said that while she wants to come home as soon as possible, there are a few things that she would like to achieve that would make her feel a little more independent upon arriving at home, and so she's happy to stay and work a little more.

As it turns out, I'm probably more disappointed about this than she is. I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited to bring her home next week, but as it stands I'm also happy to bring her home as soon as I can, so the 14th will have to do.

This delay has unintentionally posed one other challenge. The 14th is right in the middle of the time when our High School youth are supposed to be on a mission trip to Washington DC. I've been excited about this trip for a while now, so as you can imagine, the conflict has been a bit disappointing, but even in this there is unexpected blessing. The other adult chaperones are prepared to lead the trip without me, and as of yesterday there is even an additional chaperone who will take my place.

Just as I was trying to figure out what to do, I received an e-mail from a youth counselor who was excited about going on the mission trip. I don't know if it was Emily's illness, or just my forgetfulness, but I had inadvertently left this person off of the mission trip roster. It seemed like a sign that just as I was trying to decide whether I could go or whether I would have to leave my spot empty, God provided someone to fill the position. As I will miss the experience it is a mixed blessing, but a blessing none-the-less.

God is good...
