Today Jim asked me to take over writing the blog. When I expressed concerns about writing as well as he has, Jim encouraged me by quoting Hemmingway: “All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence you know.”
My true sentence is that things are going well – really well. After days and weeks of what seemed like tiny improvements, I feel that now I’m getting better by leaps and bounds. I can flex both ankles and wiggle my toes. My legs move a little better each day, and I’m now standing (with assistance) for short periods of time.
I can’t wait to get back to work and to the co-workers who have been so supportive through this. I’m also looking forward to getting involved again in church and youth activities. But before that can happen, I still have a ways to go in terms of recovery.
The nerves in my hands haven’t quite regenerated, so I’m continuing to work with my occupational therapist on my fine motor skills. I’m also working intensely with my physical therapist on strengthening my legs with the goal of being able to take a few unassisted steps very soon!
I’ve started writing thank you notes, but it’s taking me a while to work through the list due to my limitations and the seemingly infinite list of people to thank! Whether it was a card or casserole, your prayers or presence, each of you has made it possible for Jim and me to make it through the most difficult time of our lives together.
Take care everyone and I look forward to sharing more good news with you in the days and weeks ahead!