Hello again, everyone. I don't have one thing to write about today, but several things to catch you up on. I've also included a couple of pictures. The first one is Jim and me (yes, that's grammatically correct even though it sounds weird, I wish they'd change the rule already) modeling this year's youth group t-shirt.
The second is me trying to act natural while Jim takes a picture of me standing up. Of course you can see by the sheer awkwardness of the picture that I failed miserably at acting like I wasn't in front of a camera. I only added it here so you could see me standing up. I wanted to give a preview so that no one would be overwhelmed by the sheer awesomeness that is me and my walker (which you can see in the bottom left corner).
Over the past two Sundays, I've been wowing all of our church friends with my impressive walking skills. It's been about two months since I came home from the hospital, and in that time I feel like I've become a completely different person. I'm using the walker more and more now, and with Jim's help I'm using our front steps to get in and out of our house.
Aquatic therapy went really well on Thursday. I had to walk forwards, backwards and sideways across the pool. I also had to do different leg exercises, like hamstring curls, kicks and heel raises. The therapist (who spends about 32 hours a week in the pool) said water offers 12 times more resistance that dry land. I definitely believe her, because I was really wiped out when I got out of the pool!
Not this Monday, but next Monday I start back to work part-time. My company is being really great and allowing me to come in for two half-days a week. I'll only be working a total of 7 hours, but I'm so excited to get back to my desk. Mostly because I bought a box of SweetTarts a couple of days before I got sick, and I want to see if they're still good. I also have a Page-a-Day calendar that's probably still showing March.
Okay, so I'm only partially kidding about the SweetTarts, but it will be nice to get back into a normal routine. I can't wait for people to ask me if the coffee is fresh and if I brought the cookies. I also can't wait to complain about my computer being slow and ask my cubicle mate if it's five o'clock (or, in my case, 12:30) yet.
I'm also very excited to announce that Jim will be preaching on Sunday, Sept. 27 at both the early and late services. Everyone is invited out to hear this rising superstar in the Methodist church. There's no word on what he'll be speaking about, but I'll keep you posted as things develop!